Your Trusted Partner in Professional Security dog Services
Committed to protecting your assets and people with our security dog services.

Committed to protecting your assets and people with our security dog services.
With over 28 years of experience in the security industry, most of the clients we serve have been with us for over two decades, we have our own bespoke dog training facility where our security dogs can be put through their paces. We are compliant with current legislation & all relevant British standards
Although we mainly service Yorkshire & Humberside, we are able to deploy teams Nationally.
All of our handler teams are licensed & qualified, there are three main organisations in UK that certify dog & handler teams, although we have handlers that can be certified by any one of those three, our own handlers are certified by the British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers (Security division) our principle trainer & director of operations is a former member of the British police & services canine association & a former instructor with the NTIPDU, he is currently an instructor & assessor with the BIPDT, has a certificate in dog law, is a Professional master trainer with the GoDT & the ADTB, & has an instructors certificate with the UK college of Scent dogs, he is also a qualified L3 decoy (Highfield qualifications) along with his other security qualifications along with nearly 30 years of operational experience.
At A1 Security Dogs, we are experts in the procurement, training, & deployment of qualified general purpose security patrol dog and detection dog handler teams. Our specialized services provide comprehensive security solutions for businesses and organizations seeking to enhance their safety and protection tailored to their specific requirements with our security dog services.
All of our dogs teams are licensed & qualified, teams are recruited specifically for each task. We monitor performance as proof of service to clients
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